How Networking Can Take Your Business to the Next Level with Jordan Garafola

Jordan Garafola joins Podsquad Collective to discuss networking for your business.

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Some people think networking is handing out business cards and going to lunch with business friends. 

While that may be part of it, that’s not nearly the whole story. 

At its core, networking is about building relationships. 

It’s about getting people to know, trust, and want to do business with you. The personal and professional connections that you forge can be leveraged to boost your business exponentially. 

My guest in today’s episode, Jordan Garafola from OasisVA, discuss some proven strategies to finding your next client by leveraging your personal network.

Jordan is a Virtual Assistant and helps organize chaos for small business and professionals, specializing  in Admin and website support services. 

We discuss how networking is an absolute game-changer when it comes to your VA business and does not need to be salesy AT ALL. In fact marketing, when done right, could start right at your home, with your friends and family. Jordan takes us through her journey, leaving her full-time job in Australia to eventually set up her dream business in America. We discuss proven strategies to find your next client by leveraging your personal network and engaging in Facebook and Clubhouse activities. Listen in!

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